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A Gift that
keeps on growing :

Gift Trees


Create your own company forest,

and make your employees and customers

Be part of your regreening ambitions

The exclusive distributior of Treebytree in China,

Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan 

We want to bring back

1 billion trees before 2050.

Together with you.

Gift a tree.

Grow a forest.

Make an impact.

Why Gift Trees?

Follow worldwide momentum.

Now is the time for sustainable and meaningful gifts!



From countries to companies

Reach NET-ZERO emissions by 2050



Mitigate global warming by 37% by restoring all degraded land on Earth 




help to restore the water balance in the soil and bring back vegetation, also promotes biodiversity within the project areas.



Create a better living environment and increase economic development.

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CO₂ reduction

Trees are the lungs of the Earth. By gifting trees you contribute directly to this effect of CO₂ capturing.

Our partner, Justdiggit, estimates that the average Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) tree absorbs 240kg of CO₂ over a period of 20 years.


Treebytree -  a social enterprise on a mission to turn ‘corporate gifting’ into ‘gifting back’. We want to become the new norm within the industry. 
By empowering thousands of businesses and their employees, customers and other stakeholders, we use the power of many to bring back trees. These trees are brought back in the heart of Africa by Justdiggit and thousands of farmers.
Together we can bring back 1 billion trees before 2050, help restore nature and build a movement for regreening.

Treebytree have developed an epic way to gift trees that are being regenerated in the heart of Africa. Every tree is geocoded, allowing the recipients to virtually travel to the location of their tree.


The digital tree gifting experience can be given to recipients in many ways. Our Regreening Partners (distributors in the corporate gifting industry) can help you choose the way that suits you best.


All you have to do is give them your branding elements and tell them how many trees to gift and to whom - by email, printed gift cards or QR codes printed on products - and they'll take care of the logistics. They can even add a personalized message from you!


You can track, and share, the positive impact of your gifts on your personal dashboard on our platform. This includes the number of trees gifted, the estimated CO₂ sequestered, the estimated water retention, how you’ve contributed to local communities and much more.

Planting a Tree

How our

Tree Gifting works


'Corporate Gifting'


'Gifting Back'

All gifted trees are trees that are brought back to life in theheart of Africa by  Justdiggit.

They train local farmers to carefully regrow trees thathave been cut down but are still alive, by a method calledFarmer Managed Natural Regeneration (or FMNR),better known as Kisiki Hai in Swahili.

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The Gifting Experience

We believe special gifts help build meaningful connections. That’s whywe’ve made the treebytree gift an epic digital experience. A visualtreat that gets people excited. About their gifted tree, engaging withyour brand AND about fighting climate change.

Sign up for demo

Get inspired

There are many ways to gift trees to show appreciation and promotesustainability. Gift personal trees to employees as a thank you.Celebrate birthdays and welcome new hires with treebytree giftcards. Boost brand presence at conferences with tree gifts. Thepossibilities are endless.

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Choose your delivery

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Your Rewards and Extensions




Reduce your corporate Carbon sequestration  :  CO2 reduction  

Trees capture carbon and emit oxygen.


Green Marketing

Having a company forest can attract new customers and supporters, and it's great material for promoting yourbrand. It's the perfect starting point for sharing your wider sustainability strategy.


Sustainable Legacy

Incorporate your company forest in your CSR or ESG strategy. It shows that your company is committed to theenvironment in a lasting way, not just for a moment.


Shared responsibilities to employees

and customers , improve your ESG



Live impact dashboard

You get to see, and show the world, how your company forest is making a real impact on things likecapturing CO₂, retaining water, and supporting local communities. Integrate this dashboard on your website!


Educational opportunities

Your company forest can also be like a living classroom, teaching people about ecology, conservation,and sustainable practices.


Ready to gift trees? Start in 3 simple steps.


Create and customize your gift with a personal message and your brand identity

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Send your gift by email, download a printable gift card or download QR codes to print on (sustainable) products and your own designs.

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Both sender and recipients get quarterly tree updates and have access to a dashboard tracking their trees' positive impact on CO2 sequestering, water retention and much more.


Who is treebytree? Treebytree is a social enterprise on a mission to accelerate theregeneration of nature. We enable companies to gift trees that arebrought back in the heart of Africa. Easily, at scale, and with an epiccustomizable gifting experience. By empowering thousands ofcompanies, their employees, customers and other stakeholders, weuse the power of the collective to bring back one billion trees before2050. Together.  Treebytree have teamed up with distributors in the corporate gifting industry.We call them our 'Regreening Partners' as they're the ones spreadingthe message and inspiring companies to gift trees. We enable them toadd trees as a 100% sustainable gift to their portfolio. They handle allthe logistics when a company wants to gift trees, to make sure thegifted trees reach the right people. Launched in 2022, we’re a digital ‘for-purpose’ startup with ourheadquarters in The Hague, The Netherlands.


Who owns the trees? Justdiggit uses your funding to train and motivate farmers in the heartof Africa to look after the trees and to inspire more farmers to recovertheir own trees. The farmer that regenerated the tree and takes careof it will remain the legal owner. Your funding also allows the farmers toreap the benefits that the trees may offer to their families and theircommunities.

Who takes care of the actual trees? NGO Justdiggit We’re proud to have the superheroes at Justdiggit as our partner inregreening the planet. They are on a mission to regreen Africa withinthe next decade and have inspired and empowered people all overthe world to join in. Justdiggit works closely with local farmers andcommunities in the heart of Africa to restore degraded land withproven regreening techniques. They are the ones who recover thetrees you gift on treebytree. We work with Justdiggit because they have scientifically-backedprograms, a long track record and support from local communities.Since 2009, they have helped restore more than 400,000 hectaresof land, brought back over 14 million trees and built a grassrootsmovement that keeps growing every day! Justdiggit applies multiple techniques to bring back vegetation andboost biodiversity in degraded areas. In Tanzania farmers use atechnique called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR),also known as Kisiki Hai in Swahili. It helps the farmers to regrow treesthat were previously cut down. Justdiggit made two beautifuldocumentaries showing you exactly how it works: Kiski Hai I & Kisiki Hai II.  Visit to learn more about their incredible work!

What's a Regreening Partner? We're all about bringing back as many trees as possible. To do this atscale, and as fast as possible, we've teamed up with distributors in thecorporate gifting industry. All over Europe. They have acces to manyinternational companies who are regularly looking for gifts to rewardor engage stakeholders. So image the impact! That’s why, we call them our 'Regreening Partners' as they're the onesspreading the message, coming up with creative ideas and inspiringcompanies to gift trees. They also handle all the logistics to make surethe gifts reach the right people. Having them on our side is anessential part of our mission to accelerate the regeneration of nature.

Is the carbon reduction metric endorsed by any organizations? Can you provide more supporting data? Please refer to our Transparency Statement, where you can clearly see TreebyTree's commitments and background.


Why is ecosystem restoration and bringing back trees necessary? Climate change, overuse of farmlands, deforestation and overgrazingcause the soil to dry out. Especially in vulnerable areas like theSub-Saharan Africa. This drought leads to desertification anddegradation of the land, making it hard to obtain food, crops, freshwater and natural resources, such as firewood, from the land. Yet, there’s a solution: regreening! Recent studies show thatnature-based solutions can contribute up to 37% of the carbonemission intake required to keep global warming below 2 degreesCelsius. Vegetation absorbs carbon, decreasing the amount of CO₂ in theatmosphere and subsequently reduces the effect of global warming. Healthy forests retain water and provide shade, ultimately cooling thesoil. They also provide fruit and medicine for communities, and foodand shelter for wildlife. Truly boosting biodiversity and acceleratingthe regeneration of nature.

Why Africa? Our partner, Justdiggit, focuses its operations on Africa as 65% of theland in Africa is affected by degradation. This leaves a lot of space forregreening and Justdiggit’s knowledge of specific regreeningtechniques fits the complex local circumstances. The urgency ofregreening in Africa is also high. Drought and degradation of theland lead to crop failure, causing hunger and poverty within theseareas. So, regreening in Africa not only positively impacts nature, but alsolocal communities and wildlife.

How much CO₂ do trees absorb? Different types of trees can absorb different amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, depending on factors such as the size of the tree, growth rate, and photosynthetic efficiency. According to research: - On average, a medium-sized tree can absorb around 10-20 kg of CO2 per year. - A hectare (about 10,000 square meters) of forest can absorb around 10-20 tons of CO2 per year. These numbers can vary depending on geographical location, climate conditions, and tree species. Larger trees and evergreen trees typically have higher CO2 absorption efficiency. However, for some fast-growing tree species, the absorption rate can be as high as 50 kg or more per year. Therefore, planting more trees is widely recognized as an effective way to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Our partner, Justdiggit, estimates that the average Farmer ManagedNatural Regeneration (FMNR) tree absorbs 240kg of CO₂ over aperiod of 20 years.

How do you positively impact communities? Bringing back vegetation has a positive effect on local communitiesand their livelihoods. Farmers benefit from the positive effects ofrecovering the trees on their farms, including healthier soil, betteryield and less vulnerability to drought. This contributes to better foodsecurity and a higher income. Promoting and implementing Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration(FMNR) starts with the training of champion farmers and is ultimatelydone by the farmers on their land. Each farmer has an average of 60trees. The average household size in the project regions is 5.6persons. This means that for every 60 trees that are brought back, an averageof 5 people are positively impacted!

what the forest area? The forest is located in northern Tanzania, Africa. Our partner, Justdiggit, focuses its operations on Africa as 65% of theland in Africa is affected by degradation. This leaves a lot of space forregreening and Justdiggit’s knowledge of specific regreeningtechniques fits the complex local circumstances. The urgency ofregreening in Africa is also high. Drought and degradation of theland lead to crop failure, causing hunger and poverty within theseareas.

Gift Trees

Is the €5 a one-time fee? Do we need to pay a monthly fee for tree maintenance? No, the one-time €5 fee can protect the tree for at least 20 years, without any additional annual fees.

Do we only own the tree for 3 years? No, the tree ownership is permanently owned by the planting farmer or landowner. Your donation will be used to train and motivate farmers to maintain the trees, and encourage more farmers to restore trees. This is just the start of a long-term initiative to raise awareness of the positive impacts and benefits of trees.

Can advertisements be hung on the trees? Yes, customers can upload their own logos, which will be seen by the recipients during the experience as well as in the company's forests.

If I buys 10,000 trees, will there be 10,000 unique QR codes, or can a single generic QR code be used? Each tree has a unique QR code. You can download all the QR codes at once, or choose to send them out individually via email. We also provide a generic QR code that can be associated with multiple trees

Does treebytree offer carbon credits or offsets? It’s good to know that treebytree does not formally ‘directly’compensate for carbon. However, by bringing back trees, we dosupport the sequestration of carbon. To compensate carbon in a formal way, specific certification of thesequestrated carbon is needed. The set up of such a certificationproject takes many years and is relatively expensive - think severalmillion dollars! As we want to make a huge impact in a short amountof time, we’ve decided to stay focused on our mission: acceleratingthe regeneration of nature so that we can bring back 1 billion treesbefore 2050.

How do you calculate your impact? We're committed to transparency. That's why our impact calculationsare based on reliable data from our trusted restoration partners. Wealso continuously collaborate with external, accredited reviewpartners to ensure these figures are always accurate (up-to-date)and fair.

What's with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals? The United Nations created seventeen Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) as a framework to achieve a better and moresustainable future for all. At treebytree, we impact the following SDGs: SDG 2: Zero Hunger Bringing back trees provides fruits, nuts and food for both animalsand people. The trees also retain water and refertilize the soil,increasing crop yield and ultimately positively affecting food security. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthThe tree covery projects are carried out in collaboration with local partners and farmers. They benefit from healthier soil, better yieldand less vulnerability to drought. This contributes to better food security and a higher income. SDG 13: Climate ActionTrees absorb CO₂, retain water, boost biodiversity and ultimately cooldown the planet. SDG 15: Life on Land Bringing back trees combats desertification, reverses land degradation and has a positive effect on biodiversity. Do you offer carbon credits or offsets? It’s good to know that treebytree does not formally ‘directly’compensate for carbon. However, by bringing back trees, we do support the sequestration of carbon. To compensate carbon in a formal way, specific certification of the sequestrated carbon is needed. The set up of such a certificationproject takes many years and is relatively expensive - think several million dollars! As we want to make a huge impact in a short amount of time, we’ve decided to stay focused on our mission: accelerating the regeneration of nature so that we can bring back 1 billion trees before 2050.

What are the supported browsers and versions for different operating systems? At treebytree, we ensure compatibility with a wide range of browsersacross various operating systems to provide a seamless experience.Here are the details: Windows Versions: 8, 10, 11 and newer Microsoft Edge: 2 most recent major versions Google Chrome: 2 most recent major versions Mozilla Firefox: latest and extended support release (ESR) macOS Versions: 12 (Monterey), 13 (Ventura), 14 (Sonoma) and newer Safari: 2 most recent major versions Google Chrome: 2 most recent major versions Mozilla Firefox: latest and extended support release (ESR) iOS (iPhone & iPad) Versions: 15, 16, 17 and newer Safari: 2 most recent major versions Google Chrome: 2 most recent major versions Mozilla Firefox: latest and extended support release (ESR) Android Versions: 12, 12L, 13, 14 and newer Google Chrome: 2 most recent major versions Mozilla Firefox: latest and extended support release (ESR)

What functionalities are required for the system and API development? - Display customer purchase date and auto-renewal status, with email notifications - Customers can log in to the system, send to their customers, or automatically generate individual QR codes - Sharing functionality to allow end-users to share tree status on social media - Continuous updates of carbon reduction values, with calculation formulas Our IT team will be responsible for developing the necessary APIs for you. We have similar case studies to reference, such as our collaboration with the major European payment system ePay.

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